CalFresh Assistance Program Events
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
In July and August of 2019, Supervisor Andrew Do and the Orange County Social Services Agency partnered to bring OC residents the CalFresh Assistance Program Event. This event was designed to help seniors and people with disabilities access information and enroll in the program.
“Even in Orange County, many seniors are struggling to keep up with California’s skyrocketing cost of living,” said OC Supervisor Andrew Do, who represents the First District. “We’re organizing these community
Supervisor Do’s community events coincided with expanded eligibility for the nation’s largest federally-funded food assistance program. In June 2019, California expanded the CalFresh food assistance program to include older adults and people with disabilities that receive Supplemental Security income/State Supplemental Payment (SSI/SSP) benefits.
7761 Garden Grove Blvd
Garden Grove, CA 92841
United States