Contact us



400 W. Civic Center Drive is located directly to the north of the Santa Ana Transit Terminal across Santa Ana Blvd. For routes to the leading to this area, please visit the OCTA website by clicking here.

I want to hear from you!

Andrew Do
Supervisor, First District


Directions & Parking

From 5 Freeway and exit Main Street. Go South on Main Street. Turn Right on Santa Ana Boulevard. The office is on the corner of Broadway and Santa Ana Boulevard at 400 W. Civic Center Drive. For parking go past the building to Ross Street, turn right. Then make an immediate right into the parking lot which is adjacent to our building. The First District Office is on the Fifth Floor.

Please Send Us Your Feedback

If sending a letter via e-mail, please include your full name and any phone numbers where you may be reached. Additionally, please include the reason you are writing and provide as much detail as possible along with any file attachments. If you need assistance, also send a letter accompanied with any back-up information via the U.S. mail. It is important to clearly state your need and the nature of the problem so that we may assist you in an expedited fashion.

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